Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies effective October 15, 2023. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.


3/4" Meter Service Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
0,001-3,000 $ 4.10
3,001-5,000 $ 4.40
5,001-7,000 $ 4.68
7,001-9,000 $ 4.97
9,001-19,000 $ 5.25
19,001-34,000 $ 5.53
34,001-49,000 $ 5.82
49,001-74,000 $ 6.37
74,001-99,000 $ 6.94
99,001-124,000 $ 7.51
Greater than 124,001 $ 8.07
3/4" Meter  
Membership $300.00
Installation $1,640.00
Equity Buy-in Fee TBD using prior-year audited financials*

1" Meter Service Rates

1 inch $135.00
2 inch $432.00
0,001-3,000 $4.10
3,001-5,000 $4.40
5,001-7,000 $4.68
7,001-9,000 $4.97
9,001-19,000 $5.25
19,001-34,000 $5.53
34,001-49,000 $5.82
49,001-74,000 $6.37
74,001-99,000 $6.94
99,001-124,000 $7.51
greater than 124,001 $8.07


Moffat Water Supply's meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

* Per Tariff, each Applicant for new service is required to achieve parity with the contributions made by existing Members. To view the formula for Equity Buy-in Fee calculations see MWSC Tariff Sec. K (pg. 111)